Microsoft Azure Authoring Tools - 2.4 (x86) - (Korean)
Technical information about “Microsoft Azure Authoring Tools - 2.4 (x86) - (Korean)” available from MSDN Subscriber Downloads. You cannot download this file from but you can use the information below to find and download it from official sources.
File Name | mu_microsoft_azure_authoring_tools_x86_5391313.msi |
File Rating | |
SHA-1 Hash | B093419B9D51D5B2C230EBB0C6022995D5A4FD37 |
File Size | 9MB |
Release Date | |
Operating System | Windows |
Computer Architecture | 32-bit |
File Format | MSI |
Language | Korean |
MSDN Product Category | Tools and Resources |
MSDN Product Family | Azure SDK 2.4 |
MSDN File ID | 61137 |
MSDN File Description | Microsoft Azure Authoring Tools - 2.4 (x86) - (Multiple Languages) | MSDN Subscriptions |
Microsoft Azure Authoring Tools has been re-released to enable an Internal Load Balancing feature that was not working in the original files. For more information, please see the Microsoft Azure Blog ( for more information.