Windows Vista (x86) - CD 2 (Korean)
Technical information about “Windows Vista (x86) - CD 2 (Korean)” available from MSDN Subscriber Downloads. You cannot download this file from but you can use the information below to find and download it from official sources.
File Name | ko_windows_vista_x86_cd2_x12-98793.iso |
File Rating | |
SHA-1 Hash | 190e3575daf6f484c8718c7157a6ee9750b81c6d |
File Size | 639MB |
Release Date | |
Operating System | Windows |
Computer Architecture | 32-bit |
File Format | ISO |
Language | Korean |
MSDN Product Category | Operating Systems |
MSDN Product Family | Windows Vista |
MSDN File ID | 10886 |
MSDN File Description | Windows Vista (x86) - CD 2 (Korean) | MSDN Subscriptions |
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