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Office Visio Standard 2007 (Portuguese-Brazil)

Technical information about “Office Visio Standard 2007 (Portuguese-Brazil)” available from MSDN Subscriber Downloads. You cannot download this file from msdn.su but you can use the information below to find and download it from official sources.

File Name br_office_visio_standard_2007_cd_x12-18926.iso
File Rating
(0 votes)
SHA-1 Hash d31faa22c034f297061b330068de495a9bb35ddb
File Size 240MB
Release Date
Operating System Windows
Computer Architecture 32-bit
File Format ISO
Language Portuguese-Brazil
MSDN Product Category
MSDN Product Family
MSDN File ID 12414
MSDN File Description Office Visio Standard 2007 (Portuguese-Brazil)
MSDN Subscriptions
  • VS Enterprise with MSDN (Retail)
  • Microsoft Imagine Premium
  • VS Enterprise with MSDN (NFR FTE)
  • VS Enterprise with MSDN (VL)
  • MCT Developer Software & Services
  • MCT Software & Services
  • VS Enterprise with MSDN (BizSpark Administrator)
  • VS Enterprise with MSDN (BizSpark Member)
  • VS Enterprise with MSDN (MPN)

You will only be able to use this Office 2007 product within a Terminal Services environment, if your Subscription entitles you to the Office 2007 Applications volume license key.